Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Last Exorcism (2010)

Cotton Marcus (Patrick Fabian) is a troubled minister, who after a successful career performing exorcisms for financial gain, has completely lost his faith. He's agreed to perform one last exorcism, on camera, in an attempt to expose the practice as nothing but parlor tricks, and mental illness.

He responds to a random letter from a farmer who believes his daughter has been possessed by the devil, after his livestock begins turning up dead. Cotton loads up the van with his exorcism kit, and a film crew and heads to the backwoods of Louisiana to the Sweetzer farm.

Upon arriving, Cotton meets Louis Sweetzer (Louis Herthum), and his creepy daughter Nell (Ashley Bell). After interviewing the family, and accessing the situation, he agrees to perform the exorcism. What he thinks is a simple case of a teenager with psychiatric issues, quickly becomes much more than he planned.

The whole film is shot in documentary style, which works well with a relatively unknown cast.

I liked this movie. It actually scared me a few times, and kept me tense throughout the last 20 minutes. I really enjoyed the story, and thought the character of Cotton was inspired. The ending is not quite what I expected, but that seems to be a common thing anymore in films. I like to be surprised, but not just for the sake of being surprised. Occasionally, a standard ending works. Sometimes I want what the obvious ending.

Regardless, this is worth watching if you like movies about possession, or the occult.

Rated PG13, 87mns

Going The Distance (2010)

Erin (Drew Barrymore) is a summer intern at a newspaper in New York City. Garrett (Justin Long) is a music label rep who has just recently ended a relationship. Neither are looking for a relationship when they find each other. From the beginning they understand that when her internship ends, she will be returning home to San Francisco if she's unable to find a job at a newspaper. They agree to not get serious, but since this is a romantic comedy, and we expect it, they fall in love. Their still-new relationship gets tested quickly when they agree to a long distance relationship.

There's no real surprises here. The story is predictable. If this were a Lifetime movie, I'd claw my eyes out. Fortunately, this is a raunchy comedy, that showcases some great comedic timing.

Long and Barrymore are perfect, and actually have a lot of chemistry. They aren't what makes this movie so great though. Charlie Day as Dan, Garrett's roommate, and Jason Sudeikas as his best friend Box, bring a lot of laughs. The true star of this movie though, in my opinion, is Christina Applegate, as Erin's manic sister Corrine. She made me laugh out loud almost every time she was on screen. She stole every scene she was in, and should have been nominated for a Golden Globe at least.

If you like romantic comedies like Knocked Up, 40 Year Old Virgin, or the countless movies that have tried to mimic their success, then check out this movie. I loved it.

Rated R, Runtime 102mns

Scott Pilgrim VS. The World (2010)

Michael Cera has built a career out of playing oddball, soft-spoken, lovable guys in films like Superbad, Juno, and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. His innocence, and calmness in the face of disaster, make him the go-to-guy for roles like this. Scott Pilgrim isn't a big stretch for him, but I couldn't imagine someone else doing it, and making it work like Cera does.

Based on the graphic novel series, Scott Pilgrim VS. The World is unlike any other movie I can think of in recent history. It has action, comedy, romance, and video game style violence, that oddly fits the story. At first I was taken back by the special effects. I didn't understand what I was watching. Was it a movie? A music video? 

Anyway...the movie is basically about a musician name Scott (Cera) who meets a girl named Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and falls for her. The only problem is that he has to defeat her seven exes (The League of Evil Exes) in order for them to date. It's a silly premise, and the movie never takes itself serious, so there's nothing to laugh at that isn't meant to make you laugh.

The cast is great here, highlighted by Kieren Culkin as Scott's gay roommate Wallace. Chris Evans, Brandon Routh, and Jason Schwartzman also appear as some of Ramona's exes

Not that this movie isn't worth watching, but lower your expectations a bit, and you will have fun.

Rated PG13, Runtime 113mns

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sorry! I'm REALLY REALLY behind on my reviews!!!

I'm trying to get caught up! Here's a list of movies that I hope to have reviews for really soon!

Note: This post will change as I add movies to the lists, and complete reviews of movies currently listed.

  • The Sorcerer's Apprentice
  • Stone
  • Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
  • Restrepo
  • Takers
  • The Town
  • Dinner For Schmucks
  • Inception
  • I'm Still Here
  • The Kid's Are All Right
  • Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
  • Black Swan
  • Going The Distance
  • The Last Exorcism
If you'd like a review of a particular movie, new or old, please let me know! 

Cyrus (2010)

Without even knowing what this film was about, I was ready to watch it. I'll watch anything with John C. Reilly, Marisa Tomei, or Jonah Hill. Period.

John (Reilly) is a divorced man, still trying to come to terms with his single status. At the urging of his ex wife Jamie (Catherine Keener) he attends a party she is hosting with her new fiance Tim (Matt Walsh). When John gives in, and attends the party, he meets Molly (Tomei), and instantly feels a connection with her. After a few hook ups, he wants to know more about her, so he follows her home.

In a lame attempt to be nosey, and snoop around her yard, John meets Cyrus (Hill). Cyrus is Molly's adult son, who still lives with her. He seems normal enough, and goes out of his way to make John feel comfortable with the situation. Pretty soon John learns that things aren't always what they seem with Cyrus, and he has to take action in order to save his relationship with Molly.

It's a drama, wrapped in comedy. Reilly and Hill are great together, and there were plenty of laugh out loud moments. Tomei is great, as always, and brings such a sweetness to Molly, it's easy to see why John and Cyrus battle for her attention.

Rated R, Runtime 91mns

All Good Things (2010)

Set in the 70's, All Good Things stars Ryan Gosling as David Marks, the son of a power real estate mogul, who wants nothing to do with the family business. Much to the dismay of his father, Sanford Marks (Frank Langella), David marries medical student Katie McCarthy (Kirsten Dunst), and they leave New York City, to live in Vermont. They even open a country store that sells health foods, called "All Good Things". Things seem perfect between them, until David is pressured to return to the city, and work for his father.

From there, it becomes a downward spiral for David, and Katie. He becomes more controlling, and paranoid, and physically abusive, and a suspect when Katies goes missing in 1982.

At that point the movie shifts from a story of a young couple coping with marriage, and family, to a twisted tale of murder, and betrayal, and a man who seems to be untouchable. It's frustrating to watch at times, because early on, we are shown this innocent side to David that makes us care for him, only to have it ripped away, based on speculation that he killed his wife.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie, and I think the acting was Oscar-worthy. I think overall, the script needed some work. Halfway through, it really felt like I was watching a different movie.

For more information about Robert Durst, who inspired the character of David Marks, click here

Rated R, Runtime 101mns

Buried (2010)

Buried is a tense psychological thriller. If you're claustrophobic, like me, you may find that this film will make you pretty nervous. It's a good movie, and holds your interest pretty well, considering it's 90 minutes of Ryan Reynolds trapped in a box.

Reynolds plays Paul Conroy, an American truck driver, in Iraq, who awakens after an ambush to find that he has been buried in a casket, with a cell phone, lighter, flashlight, flask, and little time before he runs out of oxygen. Conroy goes through a massive range of emotions in a short amount of time, and Reynolds does an excellent job of making this character believable.

As he uses the cell phone to contact his employer, the state department, the FBI, and his family, he also speaks with his captor, who demands $5 million dollars for his release. It's an intense race against time to see if he can be rescued before he dies at the hands of his captor, runs out of air, or room, as sand is slowly pouring into the casket.

It's definitely worth watching, especially if you like thrillers, or Ryan Reynolds.

Rated R, Runtime 95mns

Death Race 2 (2010) - [aka - Death Race: Frankenstein Lives]

This straight-to-DVD sequel to 2008's Death Race, starring Jason Statham is actually a prequel. It tells the origin of the champion racer Frankenstein, who died in the beginning of the first film.

Luke Goss (Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Blade II, Tekken) takes the lead here as Carl "Luke" Lucas, a getaway driver for mob boss Markus Kane (Sean Bean). When a bank robbery goes bad, Lucas is sent to Terminal Island Correctional Facility, which is ran by media giant, The Weyland Corporation. In order to bring in revenue, the prison televises "Death Match", hosted by former Miss Universe, and blood-thirtsty, September Jones (Lauren Cohan).

When ratings begin to bottom out, Jones persuades her boss, Weyland (Ving Rhames) to upgrade "Death Match" to "Death Race", and use the existing prison perimeter as the track. To add tot he excitement, Weyland decides that he will grant freedom to the driver who wins 5 races.

This isn't a bad straight-to-DVD title. I've definitely seen worse. It actually has some entertainment value, although not as much as the Jason Statham film. Luke Goss does a adequate job in the lead, and has help from Bean, Rhames, Cohan, and Danny Trejo (as "The Last Mexican Jew" Goldberg). It's a good, mindless, action flick, that plays very much like the original film. 

Check it out, when it hits DVD on January 18.

Rated R

Friday, December 24, 2010

DOUBLE FEATURE REVIEW: Tron (1982) and Tron Legacy (2010)


I remember watching Tron as a kid, and being confused by the computer themes, and storyline. It was 1982, and computers weren't something found in everyone's home, or workplace. Tron truly was ahead of it's time, and pioneered the use of computer generated imagery. 

The movie focuses on Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges), who is trying to hack into his former employer, ENCOM, to find the evidence he needs to prove that Dillinger (David Warner) stole video games he created, and profited from them. With the help of former co-workers Alan (Bruce Boxleitner), and Lora (Cindy Morgan), he is able to get inside the facility, and access the system via a terminal in Lora's lab.

When the Master Control Program (MCP) detects Flynn, it uses a laser system Lora has been developing to digitally transport him into the ENCOM mainframe. Sound crazy? It is.

Once there, Flynn is captured by the MCP's commander, Sark, and force to compete in arena style sports. He meets a program named Tron (also played by Boxleitner) , and the agree to work together to take down the MCP.

Of course, they succeed, and Flynn is returned to normal, along with the evidence he needs. The movie ends with Flynn taking over ENCOM.

It's a fun movie, with great concepts. Having the programs look like their users was a neat idea, and a great way to have the actors play dual roles. Along with Alan/Tron, we see Flynn/Clu, and Lora/Yori, and Dillinger/Sark/MCP. It's unfortunately VERY dated. If you haven't seen it in a long time, you may be disappointed at how bad it has held up. The only saving grace here is the sequel.

Rated PG, Runtime 96mns


The sequel picks up in 1989, just seven years after the events of Tron. Flynn has been working on what he calls The Grid, and promises to show it to his young son, named Sam. He tells Sam of the programs helping him: Tron, and Clu.

One night, Flynn vanishes, leaving behind his young son, and a large empire.

20 years later, Sam (Garrett Hedlund) is visited by ENCOM executive, and friend Alan (Boxleitner) who tells him he received a page from his father's old arcade that has been closed for 20 years. Sam goes to investigate, and finds his father's secret office behind a video game. When he tries to access a terminal, he is hit with a laser, and sent to The Grid, just like his father many years ago.

There's really not a quick way to explain the plot here, so I'll just leave it to the basics.

Sam meets Clu, who looks like his father, only 20 years younger. Clu rules The Grid, with the help of his enforcer, Tron. He forces Sam to compete in deadly games, just like the events from the first film. Sam is rescued by Quorra (Olivia Wilde) and taken to see his father, who has been trapped inside The Grid for the past 20 years. The rest of the film is basically about Sam trying to stay alive, save his father, and return home.

I have to give credit on the acting. Everyone was great here, especially Michael Sheen as the flamboyant Castor/Zuse. He makes the most of his short time on the screen, and gives the most memorable performance.

While sometimes confusing, Tron Legacy is a fantastic movie to see. Visually, we've never really seen anything quite like it. It one of those rare sequels that improves upon the ideas from the original film so much, that it feels necessary. While the first Tron was noted for being ground-breaking for the computer animation used, Tron Legacy will be remembered for making Jeff Bridges look 20 years younger in order in flashback scenes, and as Clu.

The one thing that bothers me about both movies, is the fact they used Tron in the title. Clearly Flynn was the main focus of both movies. Tron is just a program that helps Flynn in the first film. In the sequel, he has an even smaller role. Regardless, they are great movies to watch back to back, which is how I viewed them, in order to write this review.

Tron Legacy
Rated PG, Runtime 127mns

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Exit Through The Gift Shop (2010)

This documentary follows the French immigrant Thierry Guetta, as he is introduced to street art (not just graffiti)  in Los Angeles. His obsession with filming everything going on around him, finally finds a focus, as he decides to make a documentary about the underground world of street art. Thierry meets many influential artists, and not only records their methods, but studies them.

Some of the most famous street artists appear in the documentary, including the very secretive Banksy, although his face is never revealed. We see the evolution of Thierry from a vintage clothing store owner to a famous street artist himself, using the name Mr. Brainwash. There have been rumors that the whole documentary itself is a hoax, so what for yourself, and make your own conclusion.

It's a fascinating documentary, that brings attention to a creative, yet illegal form of art. I highly recommend this movie. 

Rated R, Runtime 87mns

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Skyline (2010)

I have to admit. I liked this movie. No, it's not a great flick, but it's action-packed, and entertaining. It's seems to rip-off every alien invasion movie that ever been released, which isn't always a bad thing. I saw many things that reminded me of the films War of the Worlds, Independence Day, The Matrix, and Cloverfield. While it lacks points for originality, it does gain points for special effects. There were exceptional for a $10 million dollar film, with no bankable stars.

This biggest issue was the plot, which ultimately didn't matter. Jarrod (Eric Balfour) and his girlfriend Elaine (Scottie Thompson) fly to Los Angeles for Jarrod's best friend Terry's (Donald Faison) birthday party. That's really about it. There's talk of Jarrod moving there, and joining Terry's company (whatever it is), but nothing ever gets elaborated upon. Why? Well, after a night of partying they are awakened by strange lights in the sky. When you look at the light, it takes control of you, and draws you towards it. We soon learn that Los Angeles is under a full-scale alien invasion. There was no point explaining anymore of the dealings between Jarrod and Terry after that.

Like I said: it's not a great flick. It is fun though, and definitely worth watching with a bowl of popcorn. Make it a game to find all the references to other sci-fi films, and to count the continuity errors. There's several.

Rated PG13, Runtime 100 mns

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Unstoppable (2010)

I'm one of those people that will watch anything Denzel Washington stars in. He's so good, that even when his movies suck, his performances don't. When I first saw the trailer for Unstoppable, I knew I wanted to see it, but honestly figured it to be standard action fluff. It's actually a very entertaining movie, with some tense action sequences, although a bit predictable.

What makes the movie work for me is the dynamics between Washington's character Frank Barnes, a 28 year veteran of the railroad, and Chris Pine's Will Colson, a rookie conductor. Pine was perfect as the second coming of Captain Kirk, so I've been watching to see what his does with his newfound fame. Working with Denzel is a logical step for any actor building a resume. He holds his old against the veteran actor, much as Colson holds his own against the veteran Barnes.

Ok..back to the movie itself: Unstoppable is about a train, a half-mile long, loaded with hazardous chemicals, that through human error, leaves the rail yard unmanned, and is headed towards Stanton, PA, and certain disaster. Barnes, and Colson attempt to chase down the runaway train and stop it.

Rosario Dawson gets a honorable mention for her role as yardmaster Connie Hooper. Ethan Suplee (My Name Is Earl) also has a small role as the low-level railroad worker whose error, causes the incident.

It's really a simple concept, loosely based on actual events that took place in Walbridge, Ohio in 2001.

Rated PG13

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

MUSIC VIDEO - "Halloween" by 4th Demention

I just wanted to share a video from a local rap group trying to hit it big. This is a very catchy song, from a talented duo from Louisville, KY. Please give it a look, and leave some feedback.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Social Network (2010)

Everybody and their mother has a Facebook account these days. With over 500,000,000 registered users all over the world, it has changed the landscape of the internet forever. Ever wonder how it began? 

The Social Network is adapted from the nonfiction book The Accidental Millionaires, about the founding of Facebook by Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin. It chronicles the early days at Harvard, through the move to California, and the various lawsuits over ownership. 

This is one of the best movies I've seen over the past few years. It's quick, witty, dramatic, and unbelievably entertaining. Another thing The Social Network is, is relevant. With the current popularity of Facebook, the timing couldn't be better for this movie,. Also, the tales of betrayal, greed, determination, and friendship are timeless, which make The Social Network an instant classic.

Jesse Eisenberg's performance is definitely Oscar-worthy, and his co-stars Andrew Garfield (as Eduardo Saverin), and Justin Timberlake (as Napster's Sean Parker) are incredible. Armie Hammer as the twins, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, was equally impressive.

I consider The Social Network a "near perfect" movie.  

Rated PG13, Runtime 121mns.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Red (2010)

Former CIA agent, Frank Moses (Bruce Willis), lives a quiet life. He spends an excessive amount of time on the phone, talking to Sarah (Mary Louise Parker), a customer service rep, who works in his pension office. When a group of CIA assassins try to kill him in the middle of the night, he travels to Kansas City, to find Sarah. He fears the CIA tapped his phone, and will be going after her. 

Frank tracks down his former black ops partners, including Joe (Morgan Freeman) , Marvin (John Malkovich) , Victoria (Helen Mirren) , and Ivan (Brian Cox) , when he discovers the attempted hit on his life was related to a mission years ago in Guatemala. The CIA has meanwhile assigned Agent Cooper (Karl Urban) to track down and kill Moses.

They are referred to as RED (Retired Extremely Dangerous).

The plot is thin, and occasionally silly. While there are plenty of comic moments, and plenty of action scenes, I didn't feel like it succeeded in either genre. With such a great cast, that also included Richard Dreyfuss, Julian McMahon, James Remar, and Ernest Borgnine, Red rivals The Expendables for having a great ensemble cast. Unfortunately, it was nowhere near as entertaining.

Note: Red is very loosely based on a DC Comics series that only had 3 issues. Most of the characters in the movie do not appear in the comics, and the term RED referred to Moses coming out of retirement, and changing his status from Green (retired) to Red (active).

Rated PG13, Runtime 111mns

Monsters (2010)

One of my favorite Sci-Fi films recently was District 9. It had such a fresh approach to aliens, and the fact it had a shoestring budget, made me appreciate what it accomplished.  I love to see a low budget movie succeed, like Napoleon Dynamite, Paranormal Activity, and even The Blair Witch Project. They turn Hollywood on it's head, and show that you don't need $100 million and a big name star, to make a successful film.

Monsters, should easily be in the same class as those mentioned before. It had a budget of only $15,000, 2 actors, and filmed on location (without permission asked in advance). All the extras were just people at the locations they were using to film. It brings a level of realism, that is hard to reproduce.

The premise is pretty original as well. Six years after an alien "infection", a large portion of Mexico, at the U.S. border, has been quarantined. A photo journalist named Andrew (Scoot McNairy), has been tasked with bringing his employer's daughter Sam (Whitney Able), home to the United States, from Central America. We don't get full back stories on Andrew and Sam, which works well here. We learn about the characters as they learn about each other. I've seen Monsters twice now, and look forward to another viewing. I highly recommend it.

Rated R, Runtime 94mns

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The A-Team (2010)

One of my favorites shows as a kid, along with The Dukes of Hazzard, and Knight Rider, was The A-Team. 

I loved the opening voiceover: "Ten years ago, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... The A-Team."

This movie is about the events that led up to the team being framed, sent to prison, and their escape.

The cast is spot-on. Liam Neeson as Hannibal, Bradley Cooper as Face, Sharlto Copley as Murdock, and Quinton "Rampage" Jackson as B.A. Baracus.  Add to that, Patrick Wilson as a sleazy CIA operative Lynch, Jessica Beil as DCIS Captain Sosa, and Gerald McRainey as General Morrison. Everyone does a great job, especially Copley as Murdock. He steals every scene he's in, and has some of the most memorable lines in the film. 

The A-Team ultimately, is a popcorn movie. The plot isn't really important. There's explosion, gunfire, chases, and innovative plans, that only they could come up with. It's fun. Just don't take it too serious. You'll have a good time.

Rated PG13, Runtime 117mns

Official Movie Website

Altitude (2010)

This is not a great movie. I want to stress that right away. It's entertaining, and has some great ideas, but it's not great. I give first-time director, Kaare Andrews, some credit for making a capable thriller. As a former comic book writer/artist, as well as direct of short films, Andrews knows how to tell a story. I'm anxious to see what his next effort it. I think he could definitely do better.

Ok, about the actual movie...

Altitude is about a young pilot named Sara (Jessica Lowndes), who has rented a small passenger plane to take four of her friends to a concert, in another state.. When we first meet her, she's holed up in the airport bathroom, looking a photos of her mom on a digital camera. Her mom was a pilot as well, who died in mysterious collision with another plane. You immediately get that Sara is nervous about the flight, but she plays it off to her friends.

Early into their flight, there is a bolt that breaks lose, falls, and causes the plane to ascend. To make matters worse, they are flying into a bad storm, and the plane's instrument aren't made for altitudes that high. Things get really weird when one of them sees something in the storm clouds. 

From the trailer, and the posters, we know that there is a monster in this movie, so there's no spoiler in saying so. Why the monster is there, is a key point that you'll have to watch the movie to find out.

Like I said, it's not great, but it is a watchable thriller, with a few fresh ideas. It's definitely worth the rental fee.

Rated R, Runtime 90mns

The Quick Review Guy's Movie Rating System

For those of you who are familiar with my reviews, and wonder how I decide on what gets 2 stars, and what gets 5 stars, I thought I'd break it down.

For me, many factors come into play here. If it's a big budget film, with bankable stars, but the editing is terrible (Robin Hood), then I will grade it appropriately. If it's a low budget film, without a household name, yet still delivers a good story, it may score higher.

It may also come down to my mood at the time. It's fairly easy to pass judgement on a film when you're just not in the right mind frame to watch it. 

Remember, my review are my opinions. You may like a movie that I hate, and vice versa. Feel free to let me know when you think I'm wrong. At the bottom of every review there is a space for comments. Let me know yours.