Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Conviction (2010)

What would you do if your brother was wrongfully convicted of murder, and sent to prison? Think about that a second. It's a really heavy question. Most of us wouldn't know how to answer that. Would you dedicate your life, and make countless sacrifices, in the pursuit of someone you love's freedom?

Betty Anne Waters (Hilary Swank) did exactly that, when her brother Kenny (Sam Rockwell) was convicted of a 1980 murder in Ayer, Massachusetts. With questionable evidence against him, he is sentenced to life in prison. Not willing to give up on him, Betty goes back to school and pursues a law degree, in hope of finding the evidence to overturn his conviction. She's assisted in her search by her classmate, and friend Abra Rice (Minnie Driver).

Based on a true story, Conviction is a powerful movie, that does a excellent job of establishing the relationship between Betty Anne and Kenny, even from a young age. Their childhood, and foster care placement, are carefully shown in segments, to showcase the bond between the siblings. It's really well done, and I have to give credit to the child actors (Bailee Madison, Tobias Campbell) for making those scenes carry weight throughout the movie.

Hilary Swank and Sam Rockwell are truly two of the best actors working today. It's not surprising that they are exceptional here. Their chemistry is spot-on, and it makes their screen time together work. 

This is a great movie, with a great cast, that tells a great story. Simply put: It's great.

Rated R, Runtime 107mns

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