Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Quick Review Guy's Movie Rating System

For those of you who are familiar with my reviews, and wonder how I decide on what gets 2 stars, and what gets 5 stars, I thought I'd break it down.

For me, many factors come into play here. If it's a big budget film, with bankable stars, but the editing is terrible (Robin Hood), then I will grade it appropriately. If it's a low budget film, without a household name, yet still delivers a good story, it may score higher.

It may also come down to my mood at the time. It's fairly easy to pass judgement on a film when you're just not in the right mind frame to watch it. 

Remember, my review are my opinions. You may like a movie that I hate, and vice versa. Feel free to let me know when you think I'm wrong. At the bottom of every review there is a space for comments. Let me know yours.

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